5  AutoScore for survival outcomes (AutoScore-Survival)

AutoScore-Survival refers to the AutoScore framework for developing point-based scoring models for survival outcomes. Similar to the implementation described in Chapter 4 for binary outcomes, AutoScore-Survival is implemented by five functions: AutoScore_rank_Survival(), AutoScore_parsimony_Survival(), AutoScore_weighting_Survival(), AutoScore_fine_tuning_Survival() and AutoScore_testing_Survival().

In this chapter, we demonstrate the use of AutoScore-Survival to develop sparse risk scores for a survival outcome, adjust parameters to improve interpretability, assess the performance of the final model and map the score to predict risks for new data. To facilitate clinical applications, in the following sections we demonstrate AutoScore application in 3 demos with large and small datasets and with missing information.

  • Scoring models below are based on simulated data to demonstrate AutoScore usage.
  • Variable names are intentionally masked to avoid misinterpretation and misuse.

Citation for AutoScore-Survival:

5.1 Demo 1: large sample

In Demo 1, we demonstrate the use of AutoScore-Survival on a dataset with 20,000 observations using split-sample approach (i.e., to randomly divide the full dataset into training, validation and test sets) for model development.

  • Before proceeding, follow the steps in Chapter 2 to ensure all data requirements are met.
  • Refer to Chapter 3 for how to generate simple descriptive statistics before building prediction models.

Load package and data

Data type check passed. 
No NA in data. 

Prepare training, validation, and test datasets

  • Option 1: Prepare three separate datasets to train, validate, and test models.
  • Option 2: Use demo codes below to randomly split your dataset into training, validation, and test datasets (70%, 10%, 20%, respectively).
  • Stratified splitting is not supported for survival outcomes.
out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data_survival, ratio = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2))
train_set <- out_split$train_set
validation_set <- out_split$validation_set
test_set <- out_split$test_set

5.1.1 STEP(i): generate variable ranking list

AutoScore-Survival Modules 1

  • Variables are ranked using random survival forest.
  • ntree: Number of trees required only if when method is “rf” (Default: 100).
  • Run time increases with larger ntree value. Code below uses ntree = 5 for demonstration.
ranking <- AutoScore_rank_Survival(train_set = train_set, ntree = 5)

Trees Grown:       1,    Time Remaining (sec):       0 
Trees Grown:       5,    Time Remaining (sec):       0 

The ranking based on variable importance was shown below for each variable: 
    Vital_E       Lab_H         Age       Lab_K     Vital_A       Lab_B 
0.165608652 0.160762453 0.128912855 0.128557962 0.045219867 0.040417391 
      Lab_G     Vital_C       Lab_M     Vital_B       Lab_C     Vital_D 
0.024342208 0.022561527 0.020905397 0.018080011 0.016227841 0.014980410 
      Lab_J       Lab_F     Vital_F       Lab_L     Vital_G       Lab_I 
0.013780700 0.012120477 0.011200870 0.008297275 0.006354309 0.005682440 
      Lab_E       Lab_D       Lab_A 
0.005093323 0.004567277 0.004141324 

5.1.2 STEP(ii): select variables with parsimony plot

AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3+4

  • n_min: Minimum number of selected variables (Default: 1).
  • n_max: Maximum number of selected variables (Default: 20).
  • categorize: Methods for categorizing continuous variables. Options include "quantile" or "kmeans" (Default: "quantile").
  • quantiles: Predefined quantiles to convert continuous variables to categorical ones. (Default: c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1)) Available if categorize = "quantile".
  • max_cluster: The maximum number of cluster (Default: 5). Available if categorize = "kmeans".
  • max_score: Maximum total score (Default: 100).
  • auc_lim_min: Minimum y_axis limit in the parsimony plot (Default: 0.5).
  • auc_lim_max: Maximum y_axis limit in the parsimony plot (Default: “adaptive”).
iAUC <- AutoScore_parsimony_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  rank = ranking, max_score = 100, n_min = 1, n_max = 20,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
  auc_lim_min = 0.5, auc_lim_max = "adaptive"
Select 1 Variable(s):  0.6651428 
Select 2 Variable(s):  0.7474401 
Select 3 Variable(s):  0.8111006 
Select 4 Variable(s):  0.8416833 
Select 5 Variable(s):  0.867012 
Select 6 Variable(s):  0.8779297 
Select 7 Variable(s):  0.8809597 
Select 8 Variable(s):  0.8830361 
Select 9 Variable(s):  0.8875346 
Select 10 Variable(s):  0.8905936 
Select 11 Variable(s):  0.8902906 
Select 12 Variable(s):  0.8906035 
Select 13 Variable(s):  0.8930109 
Select 14 Variable(s):  0.8927079 
Select 15 Variable(s):  0.8935644 
Select 16 Variable(s):  0.8922507 
Select 17 Variable(s):  0.8926088 
Select 18 Variable(s):  0.89691 
Select 19 Variable(s):  0.8981632 
Select 20 Variable(s):  0.8983681 

  • Users could use iAUC for further analysis or export it to CSV to other software for plotting.
write.csv(data.frame(iAUC), file = "iAUC.csv")
  • Determine the optimal number of variables (num_var) based on the parsimony plot obtained in STEP(ii).
  • The final list of variables is the first num_var variables in the ranked list ranking obtained in STEP(i).
  • Optional: User can adjust the finally included variables final_variables based on the clinical preferences and knowledge.
# Example 1: Top 6 variables are selected
num_var <- 6
final_variables <- names(ranking[1:num_var])

# Example 2: Top 9 variables are selected
num_var <- 9
final_variables <- names(ranking[1:num_var])

# Example 3: Top 6 variables, the 9th and 10th variable are selected
num_var <- 6
final_variables <- names(ranking[c(1:num_var, 9, 10)])

5.1.3 STEP(iii): generate initial scores with final variables

Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3

  • Generate cut_vec with current cutoffs of continuous variables, which can be fine-tuned in STEP(iv).
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
cut_vec <- AutoScore_weighting_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = final_variables, max_score = 100,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
****Included Variables: 
1       Vital_E
2         Lab_H
3           Age
4         Lab_K
5       Vital_A
6         Lab_B
****Initial Scores: 

========  ==========  =====
variable  interval    point
========  ==========  =====
Vital_E   <12           0  
          [12,15)       5  
          [15,22)      11  
          [22,25)      16  
          >=25         18  
Lab_H     <0.2          0  
          [0.2,1.1)     3  
          [1.1,3.1)     8  
          [3.1,4)      13  
          >=4          18  
Age       <35           0  
          [35,49)       5  
          [49,76)      13  
          [76,89)      21  
          >=89         24  
Lab_K     <8            0  
          [8,42)        5  
          [42,58)      11  
          >=58         13  
Vital_A   <60           0  
          [60,73)       3  
          [73,98)       8  
          [98,111)     11  
          >=111        13  
Lab_B     <8.5          0  
          [8.5,11.2)    3  
          [11.2,17)     8  
          [17,19.8)    11  
          >=19.8       13  
========  ==========  =====
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.8779297
C_index:  0.785738 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point     AUC_t
1          1 0.0002500
2          3 1.0000000
3          7 0.9927981
4         14 0.9872613
5         30 0.9433755
6         60 0.8735564
7         90 0.8599778
***The cutoffs of each variable generated by the AutoScore are saved in cut_vec. You can decide whether to revise or fine-tune them 

5.1.4 STEP(iv): fine-tune initial score from STEP(iii)

AutoScore-Survival Module 5 & Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3

  • Revise cut_vec with domain knowledge to update the scoring table (AutoScore-Survival Module 5).
  • Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3 to generate the updated scores.
  • Users can choose any cutoff values and/or any number of categories, but are suggested to choose numbers close to the automatically determined values.
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
## For example, we have current cutoffs of continuous variable: Age 
## ==============  ===========  =====
## variable        interval     point
## ==============  ===========  =====
## Age             <35            0  
##                 [35,49)        5 
##                 [49,76)       13  
##                 [76,89)       21  
##                 >=89          24  
  • Current cutoffs:c(35, 49, 76, 89). We can fine tune the cutoffs as follows:
# Example 1: rounding up to a nice number
cut_vec$Age <- c(35, 50, 75, 90)

# Example 2: changing cutoffs according to clinical knowledge or preference 
cut_vec$Age <- c(25, 50, 75, 90)

# Example 3: combining categories
cut_vec$Age <- c(50, 75, 90)
  • Then we do similar checks for other variables and update scoring table using new cutoffs if needed.
cut_vec$Lab_H <- c(0.2, 1, 3, 4)
cut_vec$Lab_K <- c(10, 40)
cut_vec$Lab_B <- c(10, 17)
cut_vec$Vital_A <- c(70, 98)
scoring_table <- AutoScore_fine_tuning_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = final_variables, cut_vec = cut_vec, max_score = 100,
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
***Fine-tuned Scores: 

========  ========  =====
variable  interval  point
========  ========  =====
Vital_E   <12         0  
          [12,15)     4  
          [15,22)    11  
          [22,25)    19  
          >=25       22  
Lab_H     <0.2        0  
          [0.2,1)     4  
          [1,3)      11  
          [3,4)      15  
          >=4        22  
Age       <50         0  
          [50,75)    11  
          [75,90)    19  
          >=90       22  
Lab_K     <10         0  
          [10,40)     7  
          >=40       11  
Vital_A   <70         0  
          [70,98)     7  
          >=98       11  
Lab_B     <10         0  
          [10,17)     4  
          >=17       11  
========  ========  =====
***Performance (based on validation set, after fine-tuning):
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.8678829
C_index:  0.7772233 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point     AUC_t
1          1 0.0002500
2          3 1.0000000
3          7 0.9853457
4         14 0.9867337
5         30 0.9366347
6         60 0.8606470
7         90 0.8585631

5.1.5 STEP(v): evaluate final risk scores on test dataset

AutoScore-Survival Module 6

  • threshold: Score threshold for the ROC analysis to generate sensitivity, specificity, etc. If set to "best", the optimal threshold will be calculated (Default: "best").
  • with_label: Set to TRUE if there are labels in the test_set and performance will be evaluated accordingly (Default: TRUE).
  • Set the with_label to FALSE if there are not label in the test_set and the final predicted scores will be the output without performance evaluation.
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
pred_score <- AutoScore_testing_Survival(
  test_set = test_set, final_variables = final_variables, cut_vec = cut_vec, 
  scoring_table = scoring_table, threshold = "best", with_label = TRUE,
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
***Performance using AutoScore (based on unseen test Set):
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.873 (0.864-0.88)
C_index:  0.782 (0.773-0.789) 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point               AUC_t
1          1     0.637 (0-0.997)
2          3  0.955 (0.91-0.996)
3          7 0.969 (0.939-0.992)
4         14 0.946 (0.921-0.974)
5         30 0.937 (0.923-0.949)
6         60 0.865 (0.854-0.875)
7         90  0.865 (0.85-0.877)
  pred_score label_time label_status
1         19         91        FALSE
2         44         60         TRUE
3         70         43         TRUE
4         37         90         TRUE
5         51         62         TRUE
6         33         91        FALSE

5.1.6 Map score to risk

Further analysis to map score to risk (e.g., conversion table, Kaplan Meier Curve, output the score).

  • Use plot_survival_km() to generate Kaplan-Meier curve under different score thresholds (decided by users, e.g., 50).
plot_survival_km(pred_score = pred_score, score_cut = c(50))

  • User can also use several score thresholds to cut the score for generate Kaplan-Meier curve.
plot_survival_km(pred_score, score_cut = c(40, 50, 60))

  • Use conversion_table_survival() to generate the performance under different score_cut score cut-offs.
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
  pred_score = pred_score, score_cut = c(40,50,60), 
  time_point = c(7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
                       [8,40) [40,50) [50,60) [60,93]
Number of patients        656    1076    1241    1027
Percentage of patients  16.4%   26.9%  31.03%  25.67%
t=7                        0%      0%      0%   0.58%
t=14                       0%      0%      0%   2.82%
t=30                       0%      0%   0.32%  12.07%
t=60                    1.52%   8.46%  29.33%   70.5%
t=90                   24.24%  60.59%  87.19%  98.64%
  • Users could use pred_score for further analysis or export it to CSV to other software (e.g., generating the calibration curve).
write.csv(pred_score, file = "pred_score.csv")

5.2 Demo 2: small sample

In Demo 2, we demonstrate the use of AutoScore-Survival on a smaller dataset where there are no sufficient samples to form a separate training and validation dataset. Thus, the cross validation is employed to generate the parsimony plot.

Load small dataset with 1000 samples


Prepare training and test datasets

  • Option 1: Prepare two separate datasets to train and test models.
  • Option 2: Use demo codes below to randomly split your dataset into training and test datasets (70% and 30%, respectively). For cross-validation, train_set is equal to validation_set and the ratio of validation_set should be 0. Then cross-validation will be implemented in the STEP(ii) AutoScore_parsimony_Survival().
out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data_survival_small, ratio = c(0.7, 0, 0.3), 
                        cross_validation = TRUE)
train_set <- out_split$train_set
validation_set <- out_split$validation_set
test_set <- out_split$test_set

5.2.1 STEP(i): generate variable ranking list

AutoScore-Survival Modules 1

  • Variables are ranked using random survival forest.
  • ntree: Number of trees required only if when method is “rf” (Default: 100).
  • Run time increases with larger ntree value. Code below uses ntree = 5 for demonstration.
ranking <- AutoScore_rank_Survival(train_set = train_set, ntree = 5)

Trees Grown:       1,    Time Remaining (sec):       0 

The ranking based on variable importance was shown below for each variable: 
      Vital_E         Lab_H           Age         Lab_K         Lab_B 
 1.056965e-01  9.211654e-02  9.174663e-02  6.298467e-02  6.046187e-02 
      Vital_F       Vital_A         Lab_F         Lab_J       Vital_C 
 4.304715e-02  3.741877e-02  2.783056e-02  2.610612e-02  1.774737e-02 
        Lab_E         Lab_C         Lab_M       Vital_B         Lab_G 
 1.674145e-02  1.518732e-02  1.430115e-02  1.422398e-02  9.859650e-03 
      Vital_D         Lab_I         Lab_A       Vital_G         Lab_L 
 7.664181e-03  4.044984e-03  2.562711e-03  0.000000e+00 -2.395057e-05 

5.2.2 STEP(ii): select the best model with parsimony plot

AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3+4/p>

  • nmin: Minimum number of selected variables (Default: 1).
  • nmax: Maximum number of selected variables (Default: 20).
  • categorize: Methods for categorizing continuous variables. Options include "quantile" or "kmeans" (Default: "quantile").
  • quantiles: Predefined quantiles to convert continuous variables to categorical ones. (Default: c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1)) Available if categorize = "quantile".
  • max_cluster: The maximum number of cluster (Default: 5). Available if categorize = "kmeans".
  • max_score: Maximum total score (Default: 100).
  • auc_lim_min: Minimum y_axis limit in the parsimony plot (Default: 0.5).
  • auc_lim_max: Maximum y_axis limit in the parsimony plot (Default: “adaptive”).
  • cross_validation: TRUE if cross-validation is needed, especially for small datasets.
  • fold: The number of folds used in cross validation (Default: 10). Available if cross_validation = TRUE.
  • do_trace: If set to TRUE, all results based on each fold of cross-validation would be printed out and plotted (Default: FALSE). Available if cross_validation = TRUE.
iAUC <- AutoScore_parsimony_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, rank = ranking,
  max_score = 100, n_min = 1, n_max = 20,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
  auc_lim_min = 0.5, auc_lim_max = "adaptive",
  cross_validation = TRUE, fold = 10, do_trace = FALSE
***list of final mean AUC values through cross-validation are shown below 
1    0.6360233
2    0.7296583
3    0.7991611
4    0.8326020
5    0.8344274
6    0.8318417
7    0.8449623
8    0.8499911
9    0.8522826
10   0.8560715
11   0.8547488
12   0.8537975
13   0.8601176
14   0.8637747
15   0.8626508
16   0.8588067
17   0.8681878
18   0.8682324
19   0.8665358
20   0.8663715

  • Users could use iAUC for further analysis or export it to CSV to other software for plotting.
write.csv(data.frame(iAUC), file = "iAUC.csv")
  • Determine the optimal number of variables (num_var) based on the parsimony plot obtained in STEP(ii).
  • The final list of variables is the first num_var variables in the ranked list ranking obtained in STEP(i).
  • Optional: User can adjust the finally included variables final_variables based on the clinical preferences and knowledge.
# Example 1: Top 6 variables are selected
num_var <- 6
final_variables <- names(ranking[1:num_var])

# Example 2: Top 9 variables are selected
num_var <- 9
final_variables <- names(ranking[1:num_var])

# Example 3: Top 6 variables, the 9th and 10th variable are selected
num_var <- 6
final_variables <- names(ranking[c(1:num_var, 9, 10)])

5.2.3 STEP(iii): generate initial scores with final variables

Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3

  • Generate cut_vec with current cutoffs of continuous variables, which can be fine-tuned in STEP(iv).
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
cut_vec <- AutoScore_weighting_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = final_variables, max_score = 100,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
****Included Variables: 
1       Vital_E
2         Lab_H
3           Age
4         Lab_K
5         Lab_B
6       Vital_F
****Initial Scores: 

========  ===========  =====
variable  interval     point
========  ===========  =====
Vital_E   <12            0  
          [12,15)        5  
          [15,22)       15  
          [22,25)       21  
          >=25          22  
Lab_H     <0.1           0  
          [0.1,1.2)      4  
          [1.2,3.1)     11  
          [3.1,4.1)     20  
          >=4.1         24  
Age       <37            0  
          [37,49)        2  
          [49,76)        8  
          [76,89)       16  
          >=89          22  
Lab_K     <8             0  
          [8,42)         7  
          [42,59)       12  
          >=59          14  
Lab_B     <9             0  
          [9,11.5)       3  
          [11.5,16.9)    4  
          [16.9,19.8)   10  
          >=19.8        14  
Vital_F   <35.9          3  
          [35.9,36.3)    2  
          [36.3,37.3)    2  
          [37.3,37.7)    0  
          >=37.7         0  
========  ===========  =====
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.8551594
C_index:  0.7644388 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point     AUC_t
1          1 0.9971388
2          3 0.9770774
3          7 0.9770774
4         14 0.9856115
5         30 0.9005364
6         60 0.8520291
7         90 0.8462442
***The cutoffs of each variable generated by the AutoScore are saved in cut_vec. You can decide whether to revise or fine-tune them 

5.2.4 STEP(iv): fine-tune initial score from STEP(iii)

AutoScore-Survival Module 5 & Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3

  • Revise cut_vec with domain knowledge to update the scoring table (AutoScore-Survival Module 5).
  • Re-run AutoScore-Survival Modules 2+3 to generate the updated scores.
  • Users can choose any cutoff values and/or any number of categories, but are suggested to choose numbers close to the automatically determined values.
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
## For example, we have current cutoffs of continuous variable: Age 
## ==============  ===========  =====
## variable        interval     point
## ==============  ===========  =====
## Age             <35            0  
##                 [35,49)        2  
##                 [49,76)        8  
##                 [76,89)       16  
##                 >=89          22  
  • Current cutoffs:c(35, 49, 76, 89). We can fine tune the cutoffs as follows:
# Example 1: rounding up to a nice number
cut_vec$Age <- c(35, 50, 75, 90)

# Example 2: changing cutoffs according to clinical knowledge or preference 
cut_vec$Age <- c(25, 50, 75, 90)

# Example 3: combining categories
cut_vec$Age <- c(50, 75, 90)
  • Then we do similar checks for other variables and update scoring table using new cutoffs if needed.
cut_vec$Lab_H <- c(0.2, 1, 3, 4)
cut_vec$Lab_K <- c(10, 40)
cut_vec$Lab_B <- c(10, 17)
cut_vec$Vital_A <- c(70, 98)
scoring_table <- AutoScore_fine_tuning_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = final_variables, cut_vec = cut_vec, max_score = 100,
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
***Fine-tuned Scores: 

========  ===========  =====
variable  interval     point
========  ===========  =====
Vital_E   <12            0  
          [12,15)        3  
          [15,22)       15  
          [22,25)       21  
          >=25          23  
Lab_H     <0.2           0  
          [0.2,1)        3  
          [1,3)         11  
          [3,4)         20  
          >=4           26  
Age       <50            0  
          [50,75)        9  
          [75,90)       15  
          >=90          23  
Lab_K     <10            0  
          [10,40)        9  
          >=40          15  
Lab_B     <10            0  
          [10,17)        3  
          >=17           9  
Vital_F   <35.9          4  
          [35.9,36.3)    1  
          [36.3,37.3)    2  
          [37.3,37.7)    0  
          >=37.7         0  
========  ===========  =====
***Performance (based on validation set, after fine-tuning):
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.8535286
C_index:  0.7634054 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point     AUC_t
1          1 1.0000000
2          3 0.9674069
3          7 0.9674069
4         14 0.9772662
5         30 0.8922335
6         60 0.8466340
7         90 0.8518403

5.2.5 STEP(v): evaluate final risk scores on test dataset

AutoScore-Survival Module 6

  • threshold: Score threshold for the ROC analysis to generate sensitivity, specificity, etc. If set to "best", the optimal threshold will be calculated (Default: "best").
  • with_label: Set to TRUE if there are labels in the test_set and performance will be evaluated accordingly (Default: TRUE).
  • Set the with_label to FALSE if there are not label in the test_set and the final predicted scores will be the output without performance evaluation.
  • time_point: The time points to be evaluated using time-dependent AUC(t).
pred_score <- AutoScore_testing_Survival(
  test_set = test_set, final_variables = final_variables, cut_vec = cut_vec, 
  scoring_table = scoring_table, threshold = "best", with_label = TRUE,
  time_point = c(1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90)
***Performance using AutoScore (based on unseen test Set):
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.872 (0.848-0.898)
C_index:  0.78 (0.751-0.805) 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point               AUC_t
1          1 0.003 (0.002-0.007)
2          3 0.003 (0.002-0.007)
3          7     0.651 (0.002-1)
4         14     0.864 (0.002-1)
5         30 0.944 (0.901-0.981)
6         60 0.856 (0.814-0.902)
7         90 0.852 (0.801-0.892)
  pred_score label_time label_status
1         67         52         TRUE
2         26         91        FALSE
3         49         75         TRUE
4         70         59         TRUE
5         30         91        FALSE
6         47         91        FALSE

5.2.6 Map score to risk

  • Users can also generate conversion table using conversion_table_survival(), and Kaplan-Meier curve using plot_survival_km(). Please refer to our demo for large sample (5.1.6) for detail.

5.3 Demo 3: data with missing values

In Demo #3, we demonstrate the use of AutoScore on a dataset with missing values in two variables (i.e., Vital_A, Vital_B).

Data type check passed. 

WARNING: NA detected in data: -----
        Variable name No. missing %missing
Vital_A       Vital_A        4000       20
Vital_B       Vital_B       12000       60
 * Consider imputation and supply AutoScore with complete data.
 * Alternatively, AutoScore can handle missing values as a separate 'Unknown' category, IF:
    - you believe the missingness in your dataset is informative, AND
    - missing is prevalent enough that you prefer to preserve them as NA rather than removing or doing imputation, AND
    - missing is not too prevalent, which may make results unstable.

AutoScore can automatically treat the missingness as a new category named Unknown. The following steps are the same as those in Demo 1 (5.1).

  • High missing rate may cause the variable ranking less reliable, and thus, caution is needed for variable selection using parsimony plot.
out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data_survival_missing, ratio = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2))
train_set <- out_split$train_set
validation_set <- out_split$validation_set
test_set <- out_split$test_set

ranking <- AutoScore_rank_Survival(train_set = train_set, ntree = 5)

Trees Grown:       1,    Time Remaining (sec):       0 
Trees Grown:       5,    Time Remaining (sec):       0 

The ranking based on variable importance was shown below for each variable: 
      Lab_H     Vital_E         Age       Lab_K     Vital_A       Lab_B 
0.189048035 0.153815166 0.148410072 0.113510258 0.052494936 0.039331535 
      Lab_G     Vital_C     Vital_B       Lab_M       Lab_C       Lab_J 
0.027740318 0.020009762 0.019397757 0.017821924 0.012899126 0.011615832 
      Lab_E     Vital_D     Vital_G       Lab_L     Vital_F       Lab_A 
0.010927125 0.008761049 0.008098151 0.007862010 0.007065528 0.006657491 
      Lab_D       Lab_I       Lab_F 
0.006350121 0.006320267 0.005267076 

iAUC <- AutoScore_parsimony_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  rank = ranking, max_score = 100, n_min = 1, n_max = 20,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1),
  auc_lim_min = 0.5, auc_lim_max = "adaptive"
Select 1 Variable(s):  0.6702443 
Select 2 Variable(s):  0.7474401 
Select 3 Variable(s):  0.8111006 
Select 4 Variable(s):  0.8416833 
Select 5 Variable(s):  0.8638688 
Select 6 Variable(s):  0.874965 
Select 7 Variable(s):  0.8787852 
Select 8 Variable(s):  0.8818598 
Select 9 Variable(s):  0.8830868 
Select 10 Variable(s):  0.8882672 
Select 11 Variable(s):  0.8883038 
Select 12 Variable(s):  0.8918071 
Select 13 Variable(s):  0.8909669 
Select 14 Variable(s):  0.8920578 
Select 15 Variable(s):  0.8908901 
Select 16 Variable(s):  0.891204 
Select 17 Variable(s):  0.8909822 
Select 18 Variable(s):  0.890646 
Select 19 Variable(s):  0.8912008 
Select 20 Variable(s):  0.8946074 

  • The Unknown category indicating the missingness will be displayed in the final scoring table.
num_var <- 6
final_variables <- names(ranking[1:num_var])
cut_vec <- AutoScore_weighting_Survival(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = final_variables, max_score = 100,
  categorize = "quantile", quantiles = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.95, 1)
****Included Variables: 
1         Lab_H
2       Vital_E
3           Age
4         Lab_K
5       Vital_A
6         Lab_B
****Initial Scores: 

========  ==========  =====
variable  interval    point
========  ==========  =====
Lab_H     <0.2          0  
          [0.2,1.1)     4  
          [1.1,3.1)     8  
          [3.1,4)      14  
          >=4          18  
Vital_E   <12           0  
          [12,15)       4  
          [15,22)      10  
          [22,25)      16  
          >=25         20  
Age       <35           0  
          [35,49)       6  
          [49,76)      12  
          [76,89)      20  
          >=89         24  
Lab_K     <8            0  
          [8,42)        6  
          [42,58)      10  
          >=58         12  
Vital_A   <59           0  
          [59,70)       2  
          [70,100)      8  
          [100,112)    12  
          >=113        14  
          Unknown       8  
Lab_B     <8.5          0  
          [8.5,11.2)    4  
          [11.2,17)     8  
          [17,19.8)    10  
          >=19.8       14  
========  ==========  =====
Integrated AUC by all time points: 0.874965
C_index:  0.7833611 
The AUC(t) are shown as bwlow:
  time_point     AUC_t
1          1 0.0002500
2          3 1.0000000
3          7 0.9939254
4         14 0.9874121
5         30 0.9424219
6         60 0.8702307
7         90 0.8605016
***The cutoffs of each variable generated by the AutoScore are saved in cut_vec. You can decide whether to revise or fine-tune them