As introduced in the ShapleyVIC paper, this method can be applied to regression models beyond the logistic regression. This chapter provides a reproducible example to demonstrate its application for continuous outcomes using a simulated dataset from the AutoScore package, which is described in detail in the AutoScore Guidebook.
Specifically, as demonstrated in a recent clinical application, we use ShapleyVIC to analyse the importance of all candidate variables in the simulated dataset, exclude variables that have non-significant contribution to prediction, and apply the stepwise variable selection (starting with all significant contributors) to build sparse regression models for prediction.
Although the outcome in this dataset is ordinal with 3 ordered categories, for demonstrative purpose we consider it as a continuous outcome in this chapter.
The previous chapter demonstrates how to analyse the same outcome as an ordinal variable.
In real-life clinical applications, users should take into consideration the nature of the outcome when choosing an analysis approach.
6.1 [R] Prepare data
This part of the workflow is implemented in R.
6.1.1 Load data
Load sample_data_ordinal from the AutoScore package.
Variable label is a simulated outcome label with 3 ordered categories.
Among the 20 predictor variables, Gender, Util_A and the 5 comorbidity variables (Comorb_A to Comorb_E) are categorical, and the rest are continuous.
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
label Age Gender Util_A Util_B
1:16360 Min. : 18.00 FEMALE:10137 P1 : 3750 Min. : 0.0000
2: 2449 1st Qu.: 50.00 MALE : 9863 P2 :11307 1st Qu.: 0.0000
3: 1191 Median : 64.00 P3 and P4: 4943 Median : 0.0000
Mean : 61.68 Mean : 0.9267
3rd Qu.: 76.00 3rd Qu.: 1.0000
Max. :109.00 Max. :42.0000
Util_C Util_D Comorb_A Comorb_B Comorb_C Comorb_D
Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.09806 0:18445 0:17401 0:19474 0:18113
1st Qu.: 0.000 1st Qu.: 1.52819 1: 1555 1: 2599 1: 526 1: 1887
Median : 0.600 Median : 2.46306
Mean : 3.535 Mean : 2.76030
3rd Qu.: 3.970 3rd Qu.: 3.61472
Max. :293.680 Max. :23.39056
Comorb_E Lab_A Lab_B Lab_C Vital_A
0:19690 Min. : 16.0 Min. :1.500 Min. :102.0 Min. : 0.00
1: 310 1st Qu.: 66.0 1st Qu.:3.800 1st Qu.:133.0 1st Qu.: 70.00
Median : 83.0 Median :4.100 Median :136.0 Median : 81.00
Mean : 146.9 Mean :4.155 Mean :135.2 Mean : 82.67
3rd Qu.: 115.0 3rd Qu.:4.400 3rd Qu.:138.0 3rd Qu.: 93.00
Max. :3534.0 Max. :8.800 Max. :170.0 Max. :197.00
Vital_B Vital_C Vital_D Vital_E
Min. : 1.00 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 5.00 Min. : 0.0
1st Qu.:17.00 1st Qu.: 97.00 1st Qu.: 62.00 1st Qu.:116.0
Median :18.00 Median : 98.00 Median : 70.00 Median :131.0
Mean :17.86 Mean : 97.96 Mean : 71.23 Mean :133.5
3rd Qu.:18.00 3rd Qu.: 99.00 3rd Qu.: 79.00 3rd Qu.:148.0
Max. :48.00 Max. :100.00 Max. :180.00 Max. :262.0
Min. : 2.30
1st Qu.:21.10
Median :23.00
Mean :22.82
3rd Qu.:24.80
Max. :44.30
6.1.2 Prepare training, validation, and test datasets
Given large sample size (n=20000), split the data into training (70%), validation (10%) and test (20%) sets for regression model development.
For convenience, we reuse the stratified data split step from the previous chapter, but convert the outcome (“label”) to continuous.
set.seed(4)out_split <-split_data(data = sample_data_ordinal, ratio =c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2), strat_by_label =TRUE)train_set <- out_split$train_set# For this demo, convert the outcome ("label") to continuoustrain_set$label <-as.numeric(train_set$label)dim(train_set)
[1] 14000 21
validation_set <- out_split$validation_set# For this demo, convert the outcome ("label") to continuousvalidation_set$label <-as.numeric(validation_set$label)dim(validation_set)
[1] 2000 21
test_set <- out_split$test_set# For this demo, convert the outcome ("label") to continuoustest_set$label <-as.numeric(test_set$label)dim(test_set)
[1] 4000 21
Prepare cont_output for ShapleyVIC, using train_set as training set and validation_set as the explanation data.
As detailed in Chapter 1, check for and handle data issues before applying ShapleyVIC. This demo uses data as-is because it is simulated clean data.
In this example the validation_set has 2000 samples, which is a reasonable sample size to be used as the explanation data. In cases with larger sample sizes, users should use a smaller subset as the explanation data (see Chapter 1 for detail).
from ShapleyVIC import computem_svic = compute.compute_shapley_vic( model_obj=model_object, x_expl=dat_expl.drop(columns=[y_name]), y_expl=dat_expl[y_name], n_cores=20, # running on a PC with 40 logical processors threshold=0.05)
For users’ reference, the command above took approximately 24 hours on a PC (Windows 10 Education; Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.19GHz (2 processors); 128GB RAM).
Starting with a model that include all variables above, develop a sparse regression model using AIC-based stepwise selection (implemented by the MASS package).
# Model with all ShapleyVIC-selected variables:m_svic_all <-lm(label ~ ., data = train_set[, c("label", vars_svic)])summary(m_svic_all)
lm(formula = label ~ ., data = train_set[, c("label", vars_svic)])
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.59070 -0.24560 -0.17416 -0.06995 1.98002
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.7564288 0.0268424 28.180 < 2e-16 ***
Comorb_A1 0.4327596 0.0165608 26.131 < 2e-16 ***
Age 0.0036084 0.0002453 14.707 < 2e-16 ***
Vital_A 0.0021720 0.0002606 8.335 < 2e-16 ***
Util_B 0.0370323 0.0020596 17.980 < 2e-16 ***
Lab_A 0.0001014 0.0000225 4.507 6.63e-06 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.5258 on 13994 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.0861, Adjusted R-squared: 0.08577
F-statistic: 263.7 on 5 and 13994 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# Backward selection:library(MASS)
Attaching package: 'MASS'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
ShapleyVIC-assisted backward selection developed a more parsimonious model (with 5 variables) than conventional backward selection (with 9 variables) without significantly impairing performance.
compute_mse <-function(y, y_pred) {mean((y - y_pred) ^2)}# Mean squared error (MSE) of the two models on test set:c(ShapleyVIC_assisted_backward_selection =compute_mse(y = test_set$label, y_pred =predict(m_svic, newdata = test_set)),Conventional_backward_selection =compute_mse(y = test_set$label, y_pred =predict(m_back, newdata = test_set)))