4  AutoScore-ShapleyVIC Reproducible Example

This chapter provides a fully reproducible example to demonstrate in detail the use of the AutoScore-ShapleyVIC workflow, using a simulated dataset with binary outcome available from the AutoScore package. The data is described in detail in the AutoScore Guidebook.

4.1 [R] Prepare data

This part of the workflow is implemented in R.

4.1.1 Load data

  • Load sample_data from the AutoScore package.
  • As required by AutoScore, change the name of outcome variable to label.
  • Read AutoScore Guidebook for detailed data requirement.
names(sample_data)[names(sample_data) == "Mortality_inpatient"] <- "label"
Data type check passed. 
No NA in data. 
[1] 20000    22
  • As required by ShapleyVIC, code the binary outcome as 0/1.
  • All variables are continuous.
sample_data$label <- as.numeric(sample_data$label == "TRUE")
  Vital_A Vital_B Vital_C Vital_D Vital_E Vital_F Vital_G Lab_A Lab_B Lab_C
1      87     143      78     101      13    35.7      99   160  13.0    23
2      43     133      64      83      20    36.1      95   116  15.3    24
3      80     115      48      72      23    37.4      99   133   8.0    27
4     106     121      68      84      16    37.6      99   206  12.1    25
5      86     135      70      83      24    37.2      96   100  18.1    26
6      69     123      72      88      16    36.5      95   204  19.9    20
  Lab_D Lab_E Lab_F Lab_G Lab_H Lab_I Lab_J Lab_K Lab_L Lab_M Age label
1   0.0   105    34    12   0.8    98   4.4     0   136    16  66     0
2   0.8   108    36    12   0.6   322   4.3    55   141    17  79     0
3   1.3   111    30    11   2.9     0   4.4    40   142     0  86     0
4   0.0   102    39    14   3.0   214   4.4     0   134     6  69     0
5   2.3    96    36    13   2.7   326   3.8    20   134    26  65     0
6   2.5   101    31    10   0.8   103   4.2    38   138    14  68     0

4.1.2 Prepare training, validation, and test datasets

  • Given large sample size (n=20000), split the data into training (70%), validation (10%) and test (20%) sets for risk score development.
out_split <- split_data(data = sample_data, ratio = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.2))
train_set <- out_split$train_set
[1] 14000    22
validation_set <- out_split$validation_set
[1] 2000   22
test_set <- out_split$test_set
[1] 4000   22
  • Prepare output_dir for ShapleyVIC, using train_set as training set and validation_set as the explanation data.
  • As detailed in Chapter 1, check for and handle data issues before applying ShapleyVIC.
  • This demo uses data as-is because it is simulated clean data.
output_dir <- "mort_output"
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)
write.csv(train_set, file = file.path(output_dir, "train_set.csv"), 
          row.names = FALSE)
          file = file.path(output_dir, "validation_set.csv"), 
          row.names = FALSE)

4.2 [Python] Compute ShapleyVIC values

This part of the workflow is implemented in Python.

  • Load data and set up input information.
import os
import pandas as pd
output_dir = "mort_output"
dat_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'train_set.csv'))
dat_expl = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'validation_set.csv'))

y_name = 'label'
from ShapleyVIC import model
model_object = model.models(
    x=dat_train.drop(columns=[y_name]), y=dat_train[y_name], 
    # No need to specify x_names_cat because all variables are continuous
    outcome_type="binary", output_dir=output_dir
  • Set values for hyper-parameters u1 and u2.
u1, u2 = model_object.init_hyper_params(m=200)
(u1, u2)
(0.5, 15.625)
  • Draw 250 nearly optimal models from 500 initial samples.
model_object.draw_models(u1=u1, u2=u2, m=500, n_final=250, random_state=1234)

  • Compute ShapleyVIC values.
from ShapleyVIC import compute
m_svic = compute.compute_shapley_vic(
    x_expl=dat_expl.drop(columns=[y_name]), y_expl=dat_expl[y_name], 
    n_cores=25, # running on a PC with 40 logical processors
  • For users’ reference, the command above took approximately 17 hours on a PC (Windows 10 Education; Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.19GHz (2 processors); 128GB RAM).

4.3 [R] Develop risk score

This part of the workflow is implemented in R.

4.3.1 Rank variables using ShapleyVIC

  • Compile ShapleyVIC output.
model_object <- compile_shapley_vic(
  output_dir = output_dir, outcome_type = "binary"
Compiling results for binary outcome using loss criterion to define neaerly optimal models.
  • Visualize ShapleyVIC values for overall variable importance.
model_plots <- plot(model_object)

  • Derive ShapleyVIC-based ensemble variable ranking.
ranking <- rank_variables(model_object, summarise = TRUE, as_vector = TRUE)
    Age   Lab_H Vital_E   Lab_K Vital_A   Lab_B   Lab_M Vital_C   Lab_C   Lab_D 
  1.000   2.116   3.028   4.104   5.588   5.744   8.904   8.940   9.084   9.704 
  Lab_L   Lab_E Vital_D   Lab_G Vital_B   Lab_J   Lab_F 
 10.120  10.268  11.628  12.952  13.220  13.328  16.052 

4.3.2 Develop risk score using AutoScore workflow

  • Based on the ensemble variable ranking, apply AutoScore STEP(ii) to select the best model with parsimony plot.
AUC <- AutoScore_parsimony(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  rank = ranking, max_score = 100, n_min = 1, n_max = length(ranking)
Select 1 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.6649
Select 2 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.7466
Select 3 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.7881
Select 4 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8009
Select 5 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8137
Select 6 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8268
Select 7 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8232
Select 8 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8234
Select 9 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8215
Select 10 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8286
Select 11 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8267
Select 12 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8294
Select 13 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8281
Select 14 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8246
Select 15 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8293
Select 16 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8275
Select 17 Variable(s):  Area under the curve: 0.8278

cut_vec <- AutoScore_weighting(
  train_set = train_set, validation_set = validation_set, 
  final_variables = names(ranking)[1:6], max_score = 100
****Included Variables: 
1           Age
2         Lab_H
3       Vital_E
4         Lab_K
5       Vital_A
6         Lab_B
****Initial Scores: 

========  ==========  =====
variable  interval    point
========  ==========  =====
Age       <35           0  
          [35,49)       7  
          [49,76)      17  
          [76,89)      23  
          >=89         27  
Lab_H     <0.2          0  
          [0.2,1.1)     4  
          [1.1,3.1)     9  
          [3.1,4)      15  
          >=4          18  
Vital_E   <12           0  
          [12,15)       2  
          [15,22)       7  
          [22,25)      12  
          >=25         15  
Lab_K     <8            0  
          [8,42)        6  
          [42,58)      11  
          >=58         14  
Vital_A   <60           0  
          [60,73)       1  
          [73,98)       6  
          [98,111)     10  
          >=111        13  
Lab_B     <8.5          0  
          [8.5,11.2)    4  
          [11.2,17)     7  
          [17,19.8)    10  
          >=19.8       12  
========  ==========  =====

***Performance (based on validation set):
AUC:  0.8268   95% CI: 0.7953-0.8583 (DeLong)
Best score threshold: >= 57 
Other performance indicators based on this score threshold: 
Sensitivity: 0.8065
Specificity: 0.6775
PPV:         0.1736
NPV:         0.9766
***The cutoffs of each variable generated by the AutoScore are saved in cut_vec. You can decide whether to revise or fine-tune them